13:33 Farmaindustria
In 2016, the industry hired 4,285 workers accounting for 11% of its workforce, and the total number of jobs reached 39,392
93% are permanent employees, compared to 74% of the Spanish economy, and one in three new contracts is for young people
59% are university graduates, compared to 42% of the average in Spain
Female employment is 51%, twice the average of other industrial sectors, and with the highest pay equity between men and women
18:16 Farmaindustria
This is an initial investment which only looks at the adequacy of the machinery and the start up process
16:14 Farmaindustria
The investment needed to set up this initiative could amount to 20 million euros over four years
13:04 Farmaindustria
It has been confirmed in the Cotec 2014 report: “Technology and Innovation in Spain”