Press Releases

FARMAINDUSTRIA requests that sustainability, access and innovation are not deemed incompatible within the Spanish National Health System

09:55 Farmaindustria
The XV Pharmaceutical Industry Meeting focused on financing innovations this year

Collaboration between the pharmaceutical industry and the biotechnological sector drives a more efficient biomedical research

11:27 Farmaindustria
The results of the Farma-Biotech Cooperation Program were presented in Barcelona

Spain must continue fostering public-private collabora-tion in order to retain its leadership in European bio-medical research

12:20 Farmaindustria
A new informative session of the Innovative Medicines Initiative was held today in Madrid

Public pharmaceutical expenditure will grow well below that of the Spanish economy in the forthcoming years

11:58 Farmaindustria
Issue 120 of Farmaindustria’s monthly economic bulletin has been released

FARMAINDUSTRIA agrees to sign a Protocol with the Ministries of Finance and Health in support of sustainability and innovation of the Spanish NHS.

17:29 Farmaindustria
It will likely be signed before the end of May

Transparency legitimises relationships between the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare professionals and guarantees a quality healthcare provision

14:13 Farmaindustria
Farmaindustria holds a Conference on “Transparency as a generator of trust”

Sales of branded medicines decreased by 1.4% in 2014, whereas the generic market grew by 9.5%

14:29 Farmaindustria
Farmaindustria’s Monthly Economic Bulletin 118 has been published today

Madrid hosts the VIII Annual Conference of the Biomedical Research Technological Platforms highlighting the importance of innovation

17:14 Farmaindustria
More than 250 scientists and researchers have come together during these sessions

FARMAINDUSTRIA defends the non interchangeability principle for biologic and biosimilar medicines

10:08 Farmaindustria
The first Biological Medicines Forum organized by Farmaindustria has taken place in Madrid

The average price of medicines in Spain is 15% lower than the average of the Euro zone countries

09:59 Farmaindustria
The Spanish Pharmaceutical Market Monthly Economic Bulletins numbers 115 & 116 are released
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